It's been a while, actually a couple of years since I wrote in my blog. I've decided to resurrect it and to continue sharing my thoughts relating to various aspects of my world. For work that's all around tourism. For my life, well it's a vast and wonderous place :)
I now work at the Carter Observatory here in Wellington. I began the role of Marketing & Communications Manager back in February 2010, just a month or so before we re-opened as a revamped visitor attraction. Of course, by name, it's all about space and here we use the science, culture and heritage of the Southern Skies to excite, engage and inspire our visitors.
Our Maori name "Te Ara Whanui ki te Rangi" was gifted to us by the people of Te Ati Awa and means the expansive pathway to the heavens. I love it! It really signifies just what we're about, it's all a journey to find meaning in our lives and a visit her gives new perspectives to many.
New Zealand is blessed in having much better viewing of the beautiful skies above us. Most visitors from around the world simply don't see the stars at night. I think there is a great opportunity for us to develop this offering and raise the awareness of it as part of a 100% Pure New Zealand experience.
Our colleagues at Earth and Sky in lake Tekapo and Stardome in Auckland held a special event at TRENZ recently to do just that. The dozen or so people who attended the evening left totally blown by seeing the planet Saturn through a telescope! They saved the image on their phones and shared the shit out of it - why? Because it's a rare and wonderous sight, it has brag value and well it changes you.
So you'll probably hear a bit more from me around this topic but I am a convert!
Po marie